Law is a demanding profession.
We’re making it easier to stay well.
Our mission is to formally recognize and incentivize legal employers seeking to adopt significant, ongoing, and purposeful lawyer well-being strategies and initiatives within their organizations.
Please note that the Colorado Lawyer Assistance Program (COLAP), the free, confidential and independent well-being program for Colorado judges, lawyers and law students, is available at www.coloradolap.org or by calling 303-986-3345. This recognition program is meant to supplement, not replace, the resources offered by COLAP. If you or a colleague are in need of confidential support, referrals, direction on how to resolve personal or professional stressors, or are interested in a free well-being consultation, please contact COLAP directly for assistance.
If lawyers don’t take care of each other, who will?
There is growing concern within the legal profession over a lack of attorney well-being. Not only are attorneys suffering from a significant increase in mental health issues and substance abuse problems, but there is also a failure of attorneys to thrive in the profession as evidenced by significant attorney attrition in leaving law firms and the profession generally.
The Colorado Supreme Court Well-Being Recognition Program For Legal Employers is Colorado’s approach to develop and share “best practices” for institutionalizing well-being strategies and principles in legal organizations. Promoting attorney well-being is good for business, good for clients, and the right thing to do!
Contact Us
1300 Broadway, Ste. 230
Denver, CO 80203
(303) 928-7750