2021 Pilot Program
Report & Recommendations
The Pilot program successfully launched on July 20, 2020 with 27 pilot program participants. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the program start date was delayed by two months and was forced to proceed in an entirely virtual manner. The program ended in May 2021 and a final report was drafted and submitted to the Colorado Supreme Court in July 2021.
Result & Recommendations Summary
Based on the qualitative and quantitative data collected in the formation and implementation of this pilot program, it is the recommendation of the Pilot Advisory Board that the Colorado Supreme Court adopt a formal, standing well-being recognition program for legal employers.
The efforts of the Colorado Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being have made clear that a lack of lawyer well-being in the legal profession is causing mental health issues and substance abuse problems, as well as significant attorney attrition in legal organizations and the profession generally. We believe the outcome of this pilot program provides a viable “proof of concept” for a sustainable and scalable statewide well-being program that will support and incentivize legal employers of all types to create or expand internal well-being initiatives.
The pilot program provides a clear roadmap for promotion, facilitation, and evaluation of a well-being recognition program that can be straightforwardly applied to a future statewide effort. Utilizing the feedback from pilot participants, the foundational scaffolding developed by the pilot program can be further improved to generate an effective and accessible, first-of-its-kind lawyer well-being program in Colorado.
Download and view the Final Pilot Report & Recommendations HERE*
*Appendix E has been removed from the attached report in an effort to provide confidentiality to those participants who provided Well-Being Action Plans for their organization.