Colorado Pledge to Lawyer Well-Being
In 2018, the Colorado Supreme Court launched a campaign to improve the mental health landscape of the legal profession, with an emphasis on helping legal employers support healthy work environments.
The Well-Being Recognition Program offers legal employers (including law firms, corporate entities, government agencies and legal aid organizations) and individual lawyers the opportunity to affirm their support for the Colorado Supreme Court’s well-being campaign and pledge to work to adopt and prioritize the Well-Being Pledge framework through the completion of an annual Colorado Pledge to Lawyer Well-Being.
Steps to Completing the Colorado Pledge to
Lawyer Well-Being
- If submitting the Pledge on behalf of an organization, only one Pledge should be submitted for each organization.
- Individual attorneys can receive recognition for working through the Pledge in their own names/individual capacity. Solo Practitioners may participate under their organizational name or their individual name.
- Select “Yes” for pledge items you or your organization intend to support or work toward this year. There is no minimum number of pledged items required to receive recognition. Organizations are expected to focus on areas of importance to their lawyers and staff and pledged items will differ from year to year.
- Examples of activities and other ways to engage with the six-point framework are included in the pledge document for informational and inspirational purposes. They are not required for recognition.
- Reporting is done by calendar year. An attestation form will be sent to you to complete by March 31st of the year following the calendar year of your pledge. Reporting is done on the honor system.
- Recognition will be received upon receipt of the attestation form.
- Pledge documents are confidential and will not be shared outside of program record keeping.